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Wednesday 29 April 2009

LinkedIn membership "Values & Principles"...?

Alison's contribution:

I would like to value differences of opinions and diversity. My personal belief is that the kind of values you need are 

- truth 
- credibility 
- verifiability 

I would not like to impose any others. Why? 

1. You'll be able to spot those who don't hold the same values more easily than those who simply won't tell you the truth. 

2. Alienating large segments of some genres of users. There have been questions as to why particular industries and functions do not use LinkedIn. I hypothesise that this is because it doesn't "do it" for them. 

3. Let me repeat - Trying to impose values & principles on 10 million people probably won't fly and you'll have now way of know if someone is lying... which is the crux of the problem. 

Wearing a Fix-It QUICK Solution Hat: 

a) Use the Command & Control functions to impose the rules which can be quantified - no spamming, etc. 

b) Use the spirit of LinkedIn to build the Integrity of the majority of the member base. 

c) Don't rely on it as the sole source of information upon which to base business decisions. 

d) Don't expect LinkedIn to be a one size fits all solution for everyone which only works like a telegraph system. 

Hope this adds to the discussion. 

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