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Sunday 10 May 2009

Who is the greatest motivational sales author of all time?

Alison's Contribution:

I'm interested in why you seek a motivational sales author. Would you feel comfortable telling me more?

The reason I ask is that I look for the specifics in terms of technique and attitude in order to model the kinds of behaviour which impact performance.

I haven't read every book on sales (yet). I have found the following useful are

1) The One Minute Sales Manager
2) Can I have 5 minutes of your time?
3) Psychology for Successful Selling
4) There is an NLP book for persuasion which I can't locate right now - I'll have a look for it.

I'm currently looking at Selling the Invisible and a book specifically for Women. It's on the shelf to read as quickly as I can.

Let me know which ones you find best and what you got out of them... I'm the kind of person who is always looking to learn something new.

All the best,

posted 2 days ago

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