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Friday 15 May 2009

Does “confusion” impede delivery efficiency? If so how and how much?

Alison's Contribution:

First I want to make sure that you distinguish confusion from ambiguity. Happy to discuss separately.

Your question gave me cause to wonder whether you have heard of NLP? Neuro Linguistic Programming addresses the communication aspect of how individuals process and comprehend information.

If your challenge is to paint a picture which can only be interpreted in one way, it is certainly a tool which might be useful.

If however, your concern is that individuals are only focusing on a part of the information they need to focus, then techniques in improving Thinking Skills would be beneficial.

A third factor is the overall comprehensible level of the information in the first place. If the Fogg factor is too high, only PhD with degrees in that subject area will be able to understand and interpret the information.

So, three possible avenues for you to explore. Happy to help in any way,

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