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Thursday 21 May 2009

Is the lack of people closing questions hurting the community?

Alison's Contribution:

Is it hurting the community - No... Is it hurting people who live by their Best in recognition - perhaps, but let them deal with it.

Have I noticed it? No more than 2 years ago.

What impact does this have on the community aspect of LinkedIn? None what so ever.

The basic premise is that people will people Stop Answering questions if they won't get a reward...

I see little sign of this happening - LOL... just take a look at the "leader board".

There could be a myriad of reasons why someone doesn't close their question - perhaps they are waiting to catch a new set of contributors over time - perhaps they have yet to find the answer which satisfies them. I don't have all the answers, but I'm more than happy to give them the benefit of the doubt.

Hope this helps,

posted 5 days ago

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