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Thursday 21 May 2009

Experts or Expert "Post"ers?

Alison's Contribution:

For the one word/one line quips which aren't useful - FLAG THEM! And go to their profile and FLAGG all their Answers... Why?

A leaderboard is only as useful as the leadership that make the cut off. There are many who have the "points" - literally thousands of them who show the dedication to contribute... I'm one of those who contributes when I can to the best of my ability.

I gave up trying to make the leaderboard because for every one of the replies to which I tried to add value, I noticed that there were those who could answer 10-20 questions in the same time.

Have I given up on Answering - no, I'm just trying to come to a sensible balance between finding my next "Gig", revamping a "Team Dynamics" course (in other words, "How to get things done when you don't speak the same language") and run a home, enjoy the fine weather we're having and ensure my son does as well as he's capable of doing on his national exams.

Am I an "Expert" - well I'm "pert" and an "ex" many things, but I wouldn't call myself an Expert - only one who wants to share the best of what they have learned to date in the hope of making this world the better place we all aspire to build.

All the best

posted 1 day ago

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