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Thursday, 7 May 2009

What to wear for this interview?

Alison's Contribution:

I empathise - you need to look competent, but you want to fit in. And yes, first impressions count. There are no prizes for second place - so you have to do a good enough job to be asked back or hired.

So, I would go for something which makes you look professional in the industry. Ere on the side of caution - Jacket and trousers with a nice blouse/sweater is one option.

The important thing is to look competent - it's the deciding factor. Snap judgements will be made in the first 30 seconds or so. I recommend rehearsing all the major points you want to make.

How do you want to be remembered? Make sure you make that impression in the first 30 seconds-5 minutes. So, rehearse your greetings and any other important points you want to make.

What do I mean by rehearsing? Take a tape recorder and stand in front of a mirror. Really watch yourself as you record your greeting.

Do this at least 100 times for all the points you want to make, refining them along the way.

Write down exactly how you want to say your major points and read from them another 100 times.

Put on your outfit. Go back to the mirror and practice again.

Remember Perfect Practice Makes Perfect. (Vince Lombardi)

See other answers for tips. There was one I wrote for women in business next week which has some information I believe any candidate would find useful.

All the best

posted 9 days ago

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