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Thursday, 21 May 2009

How do i delete Messages in Inbox of Linked in?

Alison's Contribution:

It's one of those things you have to learn to live with - I'm sure there are legal reasons why LinkedIn needs to keep a record of the message transactions.... As Bryan says, just Archive them and they will disappear from your inbox.

So, also be aware that you have a few other limits to live with:

1. Total number of connections: 30,000 (may seem like a lot, but just know it is there -
2. Invitation sending - 3,000. Please note that if 5 people say they don't know you, your sending privileges get revoked until you promise to be more circumspect. (I recommend approaching outside of LinkedIn asking for a connection here).
3. Groups - you can join 50. May seem like a lot, however, invariably there are multiple groups for the same kind of thing... If you want to have a look at all the groups, just leave the criteria empty and they will all appear in order of the most members. Best to figure out which work best for you because size does not always equal valuable activity.
3. Answers - there is a limit as to how many answers you can do a day, it is fairly high. Whilst the leaderboard indicates who's answered the most in the last week (including the one word/one sentence answers which aren't necessarily helpful), you get to decide by awarding good/best as to who has been the most helpful to you. You can always search Answers for insights into what has been asked before; however, it can be daunting and time consuming, so sometimes just asking will get a quick response or perhaps a newer insight.

And of course, if you're willing to share some of the benefit of your experience, there are certainly people here that are eager to learn and share.

All the best,

posted 1 day ago

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