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Thursday, 7 May 2009

Recommend a good book on the principles of Media Planning

Alison's Contribution:

xFirst I know nothing about Media Planning. I do know something about internet research and have spent 2 minutes having a look.

Amazon has sales rankings for their books. So, one place to browse the market is to look at what other people have bought and what they have said about it.... Amazon makes this information available on line.

Go open Amazon, filter the kind of thing you seek then click on Sort button and select Bestselling. Open those which appeal and then read the reviews....

There may be other sellers who provide a similar or even better experience - I'll let you discover that for yourself.

Another area you might target is to look at degree courses - many publish their reading list on online. I'd be happy to experiment with search strings if that would be of use.

I hope I haven't just told you how to crack eggs to make an omelette. I'm just trying to be helpful.

All the best,

posted 9 days ago

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