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Saturday, 2 May 2009

What successes have you had with open questions? And I'm not talking about best answers, sorry.

Alison's Contribution:

who what where when why and how are all great starting points 

I'm with those who have pointed out it has to do with how you have framed the question in the first place. It also depends on the tone and confidence of the voice delivering it. 

How to ask the question? Here's something to practice with your class - it's loosely based on a lesson from a public speaking voice coach. Apologies in advance if this is like telling you how to crack eggs to make an omelette. I'm just trying to help. 

How one uses the voice which one delivers the question is all important and if you use the pitch of the voice correctly, it's almost impossible for someone to NOT respond. This technique is particularly effective for children. 

1. First get their attention. Say their name in a command, declarative, authoritative voice - eg the pitch dropping at the end. Wait to get their attention. 
2. Ask the question with the voice rising on the last word... rehearse 10 times to get a better inflection.... 1000 to find the best and make it sound natural. 
3. Wait for the answer - the pause may seem like a lifetime if its a question dear to your heart (pay rise, proposal, etc)... let the respondent process the question, and really listen to their answer, no matter what it is. 
4. Clarify the answer if their is something you don't understand... Under no conditions use the words "Yes, BUT" - it sets up a confrontational situation. 

Again, hope this helps. 

All the best, 


posted 6 days ago

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