Interesting question. Here's my off the cuff response.
1. Network with as many colleagues as you'd like to stay in touch with - you never know when one of you will get the calling to move on and you may not get a chance to say farewell.
2. Network with as many of your suppliers and suppliers to your industry as you want to. You never know, you made need them again some day.
3. Network with as many of your clients as you can. If you should want to jump ship, they may be a useful resource to supply a reference.
4. Network with as many business partners as you can. Again, one of you may move on with no notice which might make new opportunities for both of you.
5. Network with people you find on LinkedIn and provide some value to you. They may just be able to put you in touch with someone who can help you.
That's enough to get you started... Come back for more ideas.
All the best,
posted 8 days ago
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