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Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Product Strategy - What is the best way to discover customer needs in an innovate business environment? My company has an idea which we believe meets

I personally believe focus groups are the way to go.  As I understand it you can (with participant's permission) both record and have a one way mirror type of set up with a group of interested people for a nominal sum and you get "instant" feedback.

Other options -
- market research done - I have a cousin who might be able to help / recommend someone
- find a related type of user group and ask questions
- do some deep internet research - the guys at google might be able to help explain some of the syntax you might try....
- last but by no means least, invest in NLP training so that you can change the timing of getting that need met once people recognise it - Persuasion Engineering by Richard Bandler and John LA Valle is a good place to start.

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