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Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Personal Power from Tony Robbins -- any word? What about other Personal Development mtls?

Alison's Contribution:

Great question - I'm surprised you haven't already heard about Tony Robbins and others who have created the personal coaching industry. 

Tony's great as are others. On a personal level, I always check on ebay and amazon and other shopping sites to see if I can find one that someone else is passing on or get a reduced rate. That way I can choose whether to expand my selection to include other things or donate the difference to a really worth cause who could do wonders with the cash. 

From my perspective, two driving forces for most people are that they either seek inspiration to help them excel or they are trying to fix something about themselves (ie they aren't "good enough" yet). Can a series of CDs help - yes to an extent and if you believe that it will help. 

Recent Reading: I'm an NLP fan, so my latest is "The NLP Coach" by Ian McDermott and Wendy Jago ISBN 0-7499-2277-X This is self coaching 

I'm also in the middle of "Bad Childhood Good Life" by Dr Laura Schlessinger ISBN 0-00-722529-6 read the blurb on Amazon (I can't find the other dozen books she's written). 

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